Sunday, 27 May 2012

Update Sunday 27th May 2012

Didn't get home from work until later than expected so was late getting down the crouch. Yet another beautiful evening, managed 50 minutes and went about 2k so really please with that.

And Lorraine I kicked the entire 2k, can't say how effective they were but the little legs were working .

Continuing on my observation s of open water swimming from yesterday I forgot one factor and that is dirt up your nose.  You seem to spend the next 24 hours getting with dirt coming from your nose every time you blow it.

But being a real saddo I couldn't wait to get home and get back in that green scummy foul tasting water.

Lorraine thanks for your comments they really make me smile.  Down the pool tomorrow at some time and exam on Tuesday.

Have a good week everyone

1 comment:

  1. Yoo's is most welcome. And you kicked 2k - that I am gonna have to see at some point. Well done.
