Tuesday, 22 May 2012

And so it Begins

I have now officially commenced my training programme for my second channel attempt.  I kicked off my open water training by taking a dip in Loch Ness.  I would like to have said that I spent a good length of time in the water, but unfortunately I think I spent more time getting in than I did swimming, the water was so cold it felt like I was being stabbed with lots of little knifes.  I spent about 3 minutes in the water and managed to do a few breast stroke pulls before turning around and getting out.

On getting out of the water my skin was bright red, but I felt elated that not only had I done my first open water dip of the season but it was Loch Ness and what a view (no sign of Nessie though).

Last night I spent 30 minutes in the gym doing carido work and then straight into the pool, unfortunately by the time they had sorted it out from the swimming lessions I only had about 30 minutes to swim.  I managed 800m not much you might think, but 600m was kicking with only 4 lengths using a kick board and those who know me know that I hate kicking.  I have a real problem co-ordinating arms and legs efficiently.

I actually swim faster when I just pull, but from experience from my first attempt it is not about speed (not that I am fast), its more about strength to get though the tides.  I will have greater strength it I can get an efficient kick that compliments my arm pull.

I learnt such a lot from my first attempt that I feel confident that this time I will be able to complete the swim.  One of the biggest things I am going to have to work on is my mental attitude, as this was my biggest failing factor from my first attempt.

The vomitting during the swim got to me so much that my mind seemed to switch off and would not let me continue.  I know I had the stamina as two days later I was out running.  I felt so emotional following that failed attempt that I could not watch the video that Lorraine had compiled for me until that November.

Lorraine was brilliant all through the training (scary but brilliant) and an absolute gem during my attempt.  I would definately recommend having her in your corner when attempting a challenge.  I only wish I could have upheld my part and completed.

I should be down the gym and the pool again tonight, but I am also studying for a couple of A levels with an exam tomorrow, wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Aw bless ya. You will do it this time I know you will. Nessie must have been bloody cold. Ive been out and about in 11 degrees and managing ten minutes but as usual brain freeze gets the better of me. Managed 1 and half hours in 12 degrees at Stubbers last weekend so pretty good. Keep up the good work. You are one very determined lady and stubborness alone, will get you to France this time, for that I am sure. x.
